Friday, May 25, 2012

To prime or not to prime

Do you want your makeup to stay on longer and look smoother?
Then the answer is -- PRIME it.

Of course skin care is the first step - but a good primer will make it look easy!
Not only do primers help the longevity of your makeup but they smooth and cover any inconsistencies in your skin.
Depending on what you are looking for in a primer here are a few suggestions:

If you are young and have beautiful smooth skin then a light primer is all you need. Smashbox has an excellent line of primers that you would be very happy with.

If you are starting to find some fine lines and wrinkles in the mirror - then I have really liked "Spackle" by Laura Gellar.

If you want something that works for longevity, evening skin tones and covering up pores or that wrinkle on your forehead that never goes away *sad sigh* I recently tried Benefit's POREfessional primer and I LOOOOVE it!

There are lots of primer options out there. Most makeup counters will give you samples to try. Then you can find the one that is perfect for you. Happy priming! :)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Need ideas?

Need some inspiration on ways to change up your look? Check out these fun ideas from Sephora!

Visit Sephora's site here for the how-to instructions!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Best Friend Brush!

I went to a MAC class years ago with the amazing Senior Makeup Artist Louise Z. That was probably one of the first times I really thought, "I have GOT to do makeup professionally!" I still think of her about every time I do someone's makeup. Why is that? Because of her catchy little name for one of my all time favorite makeup brushes.

Louise calls this brush the "Best Friend Brush". If you buy one brush in your lifetime...get this one. It is our best friend too.

You can get it right here, or any MAC counter or of our favorite places to visit.

And check out the fun way Louise says "Mascara"...I still love saying it this way. :)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Having beautiful skin on your wedding day.

There are lots of items on your wedding "To Do" list! One thing that should be at the very top - your skin care!
Achieving the perfect glowing skin on your wedding day starts MONTHS in advance! Here are some important tips to get your skin on it's way to the glowing blushing bride you will be!

- Drink water like crazy. Drinking water not only hydrates your skin but also allows your body to clean out those toxins. Make sure to stay away from alcohol those few days before your wedding as alcohol will dehydrate your skin and cause the tired saggy look.
- Moisturizer moisturizer moisturizer! Even better if it has an SPF in it.
- Tanning. If you can avoid the tanning bed your skin will look much better on your big day. If you really want that tanned look - we recommend getting a spray tan. There are many different options here - so try a couple out and decide which you like best. When you go for your makeup consultation it would be good to have the the color of your skin the same as what it will be on your wedding day so that the foundation colors will look the same.
- Spoil yourself and get a monthly facial. This will give your skin that extra boost of glowing. They will be able to determine the needs of your skin and give it the pampered treatment.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Air compressor excitement :)

A very fun toy in the mail this week!
This is baby is so quiet compared to the last one! It's like butta'!
Airbrush is so fun! Have you ever had your foundation airbrushed? It looks AMAZING in photographs! Your skin looks so smooth and flawless. Call to schedule your own airbrush session today!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Changed my makeup life forever...

For years I was frustrated with doing my makeup. I would leave the house feeling put together and ready for the day. Then a couple hours later during a break I would catch my reflection and wonder WHERE my eye makeup went?? This product has been life changing. I use it on myself every day and on my clients too!
The product: Urban Decay's EYESHADOW PRIMER POTION!!

It even comes in big giant tube now! It is worth every single penny and won't disappoint!
If you want to get a sample or try it out - go to your nearest Sephora!

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year - New Look!

Happy New Year!!!
A brand new year has begun - why not try a new make up look too!
So where to start.....
The best and easiest way to change your look is to get a new makeup brush!

One of my favorite brushes is a small angled brush like this one
You can use this brush a couple different ways.
- Use it as a liner brush. You can use any of your eyeshadow's and customize your eyeliner color. Also, if you have been trying to perfect the "cat eye" use the angle brush to get the perfect angle and then go over it with a fluid or liquid liner.
- Another way is to use it as a brow brush. Use the angle to define those eyebrows - all of a sudden your face has a frame!
Check out Katy Perry's perfectly groomed brows and lovely cat-eye!
Keep checking back as we spotlight some other "must have brushes".
We would love to hear any feedback from you and what your make up fav's are!